BL number
Concerning rights in
GB 2 456 085 B
Hearing Officer
Dr J E Porter
Decision date
13 April 2017
Person(s) or Company(s) involved
Fox International Group Limited
Provisions discussed
Section 118; rules 51, 53 and 108; CPR 5.4C
Confidentiality, Extensions of time, Orders
Related Decisions


The main decision had concerned the confidentiality of court and other documents on the patent file. The court documents concerned separate IPEC proceedings between the patent holder and Fox International Group Limited (“Fox”).

One aspect of the main decision had concerned the effect of a Consent Order from IPEC, obtained by Fox and the patent holder. Following the main decision on confidentiality, the one outstanding question was whether the Consent Order itself was confidential under the IPEC’s rules or practices. The Hearing Officer sought further submissions.

No further submissions were received. The Hearing Officer reviewed the contents of the Order itself, as well as the CPR provisions under which it was made. He found nothing which provided a good reason to treat the existence of the Consent Order or its contents as confidential under rule 53.

It followed that no further redactions were to be made to the material on the patent file. The Hearing Office gave Fox a short period of time in which to make submissions on the extent to which the main decision and this decision should themselves be redacted.