Content Reproduced verbatim from the Website of the European Union(EU) Intellectual Property Office as permitted under their Terms of Use.

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    January 17, 2018 European Trade Mark and Design Network

    IP Key China official launch

    On 17 January the Office officially launched the new IP Key China in Beijing, during an event attended by Christian Archambeau, EUIPO Deputy Executive Director, Mr Chen Fuli, Director General of China’s Ministry of Commerce, and representatives of the European Commission and the EU Delegation to China.  

    Directed by the European Commission and implemented by the Office, IP Key China aims to facilitate economic exchanges, trade and investment between EU and China , while developing a level playing field as regards IP protection.  IP Key will provide support to EU firms seeking to make inroads into the Chinese market or already doing business in China through a range of activities. Overall, the project is designed to strengthen intellectual property protection and raise awareness about its importance as a driver of economic growth.

    Through close cooperation with Chinese stakeholders and the involvement of the industry, academia, enforcement and judicial authorities, the IP Key China project will:                          

    • cover the full intellectual property lifecycle;
    • encompass a wide spectrum of IP rights; patents, trade marks, designs, geographical indications, copyright, trade secrets and plant varieties;
    • focus on IP enforcement, collaborating with enforcers to train Chinese judges dealing with intellectual property matters;
    • provide and extend access to online IP search database to increase the global transparency of IP Rights.

    A first cycle of IP Key China ran for four years from 2013-2017. During these 4 years over 250 activities were undertaken engaging more than 6,000 individuals working in public and private EU and Chinese IP related fields and professions. The new IP Key China project aims at taking cooperation on IP in China to new heights.