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PCT Patent Prosecution Highway (PCT-PPH) Pilots

Visegrad Patent Institute joins the Global PPH pilot

On 6 January 2018, the Visegrad Patent Institute joined the Global Patent Prosecution Highway (GPPH) pilot, bringing the number of Offices that have joined the pilot to 25.

It is recalled that under this pilot, it is possible for a request for accelerated processing to be made at any participating office based on work products (including, where applicable, a PCT written opinion from either the ISA or the IPEA, or an international preliminary report on patentability (IPRP) (Chapter II)), from any one of the other participating offices, provided that at least one claim has been found to be patentable by the office of earlier examination, and that any other applicable eligibility criteria are met. The pilot uses a single set of qualifying requirements and aims to simplify and improve the existing PPH network to make it more accessible to users.

For further information, including the eligibility requirements for making use of the GPPH pilot, see the PPH Portal Site at:

The PCT-PPH page of the PCT website has been updated at: