Updated: Afternoon weather update.

Thursday, 1 March 2018: Due to adverse weather conditions, all IPO offices are currently closed. If you need further information on our services, please e-mail and an advisor will call you back when we re-open, or visit our website.

It has also been decided that Friday, 2 March 2018, the following will apply:

Concept House and Nine Mile Point

In light of the continuing updated red alert forecasts from the Met Office, we have taken the decision to close our Newport and Nine Mile Point offices tomorrow. This reflects ongoing local advice from Newport and Cardiff Local Authorities and is a position shared by ONS and Companies House.

Abbey Orchard Street

Weather is likely to be less severe overnight and tomorrow in London. We expect our London office to be open tomorrow should people be able to safely (local conditions permitting) travel.

This guide will explain:

  1. How to file in person.
  2. How to file by post.
  3. How to file by fax.
  4. How to file online.
  5. How to file by other electronic means.
  6. Our hours of business.

Content Reproduced verbatim from the Website of the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) as permitted under their Terms of Use.