This Kat is an intrepid explorer |
If you’ve had a busy week, why not relax with a recap of recent IPKat posts?
GuestKat Léon Dijkman provided an index of some of the most interesting issues in Arnold LJ’s wide-ranging FibroGen v. Akabia judgment.
The issue of novelty in light of prior use featured in Floyd LJ’s dismissal of Regen Lab’s UK appeal in Regen v. Estar, as reported by GuestKat Rose Hughes.
Rose also covered the EQE Supervisory Board’s announcement that there will now no longer be any European qualifying examination in 2020, which prompted a lively debate below the line.
Katfriends Gian Paolo Di Santo, Gabriele Girardello, and Greta Cucinella offered a valuable insight into pharmaceutical patents and COVID-19 from an Italian perspective.
Trade Marks
SpecialKat Chijioke Okorie considered the question of whether there is any connection between unlawful competition founded on trademark infringement in South Africa and the press publishers’ rights debate in relation to a recent judgment of the High Court of South Africa (Gauteng Division).
The EUIPO Opposition Division delivered some super news for Superman fans, deeming the figurative mark “SUPERMAN” to be well-known, albeit only in respect of one class of goods, with GuestKat Nedim Malovic summarising the issues raised in the decision.
GuestKat Peter Ling gave an overview of the contribution made by the late Albert Uderzo, creator of Asterix, to European IP law, including on the concept of parody in copyright law and the likelihood of confusion in trade mark law.
And finally, the IPKat hopes that all our readers enjoyed last Sunday, which marked World IP Day.
Never Too Late 261 [Week ending April 19]: DSM Directive: French Competition Authority orders Google to negotiate Remuneration with Press Publishers | An address by any other name? AG Øe advises CJEU to rule that ‘address’ does not include email and IP addresses | [Guest Post] Sisvel v. Sun Cupid: a Dutch SEP injunction absent any counterclaim | [Guest post] Retromark Volume VII: the last six months in trade marks | EPO extends deadlines until 4 May 2020 in response to COVID-19 | Singapore court modifies the Coco test for breach of confidence | [Guest post] The IP world in the time of Coronavirus – Episodes 1 to 3 of the Retromark: Live podcast | IP Education Series #7
Never Too Late 260 [Week ending April 12]: WIPO: China becomes top filer of international patents in 2019 | General Court allows registration of CORNEREYE … and an argument based on Brexit (briefly) appears | PDOs/PGIs from France and Italy are amending their product specifications to cope with the lockdown | [Guest Post] Red Stripes for Ex-President | “A girl has no name”: Does the decision in MCSN v COSON and 2 Others have any impact on copyright collective administration in Nigeria? | Book review: Traditional Knowledge, Genetic Resources, Customary Law and Intellectual Property | Book review: Art Law and the Business of Art | EUIPO Boards of Appeal adopt set of unified Rules of Procedure
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