The book of Marcus Müller and Cees Mulder, “Proceedings before the European Patent Office. A Practical Guide to Success in Opposition and Appeal” is published under the Elgar Practical Guides series (2020).
It constitutes a very practical, clear and hands-on guide on EPO proceedings directed to both the experienced patent attorney due to its reference to important (and current) case-law as well as to its references to the 2020 Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal. It is also a perfect guide for patent attorneys that want to have a complete and detailed overview of the EPO proceedings as well as need strategic and practical advice.
What I really appreciated reading the book, is the way it combines the theoretical, legal framework, the extensive case-law references as well as the practical perspective, all coming together in a very pedagogic manner, with a clear structure and a number of explanatory illustrations. This is also why the book could with advantage be used in advanced courses in patent law.
The fact that the authors choose to start from the start, that is from the drafting and prosecution of the patent application provides the reader with the “whole picture”, and shows how strategic choices made at this stage influence opposition and appeal later on.
If you are interested in EPO proceedings, read the book!
Authors: Marcus O. Müller and Cees A.M. Mulder
Year of publication: 2020 (second edition)
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
ISBN: 978 178811531 (cased)
Price: £44 (paperback)
The book is available as an eBook
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