Last week the Kats brought us news from the IP world. Here’s an overview of the news…
Bring on the news! |
New essential information was released for UK patent exam candidates. Following the trial of the PEBX system last week, the PEB has now released an updated version of the Essential Information for candidates. Rose Hughes reported on the information.
Bad faith registration of a trademark can cut a broad evidentiary swathe. Katfriend Aaron Thng discussed a recent decision in Singapore that reminds us how expansive the claim can be in the context of a successful opposition.
In “Copyright’s Arc”, Martin Skladany describes copyright as a global force, which is nevertheless governed by territorial laws and affected by national or regional dynamics. Sophie Corke provided a teaser of the book, which includes a brief overview of Martin Skladany’s view on copyright policy.
Marcus Müller and Cees Mulder’s, “Proceedings before the European Patent Office. A Practical Guide to Success in Opposition and Appeal” is published under the Elgar Practical Guides series (2020). It constitutes a very practical, clear and hands-on guide on EPO proceedings directed to the experienced patent attorney due to its reference to important (and current) case-law as well as to its references to the 2020 Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal. Frantzeska Papadopoulou provided an overview of this book.
In a recent Russian Supreme Court decision, a decision was made on the presumption of authorship v the deposit of the work. Katfriend Konstantin Voropaev reported on the decision.
Back in May, Chijioke Okorie started the Beijing Treaty in Africa series. This Kat now visit Angola and Benin to find out if any of the 2 countries have signed and/or ratified/acceded to the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances (“Beijing Treaty”); if so, to review the law or draft bill (if any) that implements or domesticates the Treaty; and if not, to establish if there are plans to do so.
Are the character traits of Sherlock Holmes protected by intellectual property? Katfriend John Shaw looked at the legal issues recently arisen around Netflix’s Enola Holmes.
IPKat readers may know the website China Judgements Online (CJO), in Chinese: 裁判文书网, an official platform where China courts’ decisions are published. A recent report from the Supreme People’s Court of China (SPC) shows that, at 18:00 on 30 August 2020, the total number of judicial adjudicative documents disclosed at the CJO had exceeded 100 million, with nearly 48 billion visits. Tian Lu presented a brief introduction to the handy and informative MUST-HAVE website for those who are interested in China’s judicial system or certain specific cases.
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