Dear readrers, here is your friendly reminder to vote for your favourite books of 2020 for the IPKat book of the year award!

Submit your votes before 30th December 2020 via this link 

Nothing but festive naps on the menu
Image: Christa

Please only vote once. If you vote multiply times for the same book, only one of those votes will be counted. Valid votes will be counted, and the nominations and winners will be announced in January 2021. 

As always, readers can vote for books in 5 categories: Patents, Copyright, Trade Mark, Design and Intellectual Property. 

Only votes for books published in 2020 will count. Please provide the author’s name and title of the book in your votes.

In the meantime, hope you enjoy a restful festive break!

Content reproduced from The IPKat as permitted under the Creative Commons Licence (UK).