On October 15-22, the 2021 AIPPI World Congress will take place, though once again online. Registration for the congress will open on June 1, 2021. In the meantime, the save-the-date is already on the AIPPI web-page.
On October 21-22 2021, the 39th ECTA Annual Conference “Waltzing with IP” will take place in Vienna. The conference flyer is already available here.
Three new vacancies have been announced at KU Leuven (Belgium): research fellow with focus on technology and law, legal research with interest in IP law, and senior research fellow with focus on technology and law. Application deadlines are between April 9 and April 12, 2021.
Several internship positions are available at the Community Plant Variety Office, including positions in the field of legal advice, communication, or international cooperation. The deadline for the submission of documents is April 30, 2021.
Queen’s University Belfast is seeking to hire a lecturer in law and innovation. Applications for the position, which is open to candidates with a PhD in law or cognate disciplines, are can be submitted until April 14, 2021.
Call for papers
The European Policy for Intellectual Property Association (EPIP) has announced its 16th Annual Conference in Madrid, Spain, from 8 to 10 September 2021. The call for papers for the conference is now open. Submissions on IP-related topics (full papers or extended abstracts) can be made until April 30, 2021.
On March 17 (Saint Patrick’s Day!), the CJEU handed down its first decision, in which Irish was the language of proceedings. C-64/20 UH v An tAire Talmhaíochta Bia agus Mara, Éire and An tArd-Aighne concerned the role that a Member State’s court has in case this Member State fails to transpose a Directive into national law. The Court of Justice held that a Member State’s court shall make a declaration that that Member State has not correctly transposed the Directive and is required to take remedial steps in that regard.
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