These Kats are having a
global encounter

While northern hemisphere Kats may be settling in to the summer, there’s still the opportunity to engage with IP issues online.

Rapid response event on CJEU YouTube/Cyando ruling

Do YouTube and cyberlocker Uploaded directly perform copyright-restricted acts? And, following from this: what is the relationship between the InfoSoc right of communication to the public and Article 17 of the DSM Directive? At what conditions is the hosting safe harbour available? And what about intermediary injunctions?

These are just some of the issues that the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) addressed in YouTube, C-682/18 and Cyando, C-683/18 in its ruling on 22 June 2021.

The IPKat, IFIM, and the British Literary and Artistic Copyright Association (BLACA) joined forces to host a rapid response panel discussion in the afternoon of Thursday, 1 July to analyse the content and meaning of the CJEU judgment.

Moderated by Jeremy Blum (Bristows), the panel featured copyright experts and speakers with direct knowledge of the background national and CJEU proceedings.

They were (in alphabetical order):
Ursula Feindor-Schmidt (Lausen)
Georg Nolte (Google)
Lauri Rechardt (IFPI)
Julia Reda (Gesellschaft für Freiheitscrechte)
Eleonora Rosati (The IPKat and IFIM )

The event recording is now available on YouTube here.

Global Digital Encounters

FIDE will host the 14th iteration of its Global Digital Encounters series on 15 July 2021, on the theme of “Expanding business thanks to data economy: IP as a tool”. More information and registration can be found here.

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