Between spooky skeletons and sleigh bells ringing, there are new IP events and conferences coming up in early November. Here comes this week’s miscellany roundup. 

This Kat was caught listening
to Christmas songs
before Halloween is over


Intellectual Property, Covid-19, and the Next Pandemic: Diagnosing Problems, Developing Cures

The Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong and Georgetown University Law Center are organising a conference to discuss the interface between Intellectual Property, COVID-19, as well as the perspective on this matter for a next pandemic. The two-day online event will take place on 5 and 6 November 2021, from 1:00pm to 5:30pm, CET. More details about the conference and be found here.


NYU Law Forum – Memes on Memes and the New Creativity

On 3 November 2021, NYU Law Forum – Memes on Memes and the New Creativity will be held online at 5:45PM (CET) for a discussion on the First Amendment, intellectual property, and art law to place a phenomenon of our digital era into a broader legal, historical, and cultural context. Professors Amy Adler and Jeanne Fromer will draw their comments on the mentioned topics, based on their forthcoming article in the NYU Law Review. Find more information about the event and how to register here.

Patent Knowledge Week

The Patent Knowledge Week, held by the European Patent Office, is a digital event taking place from 2 to 5 November 2021, dedicated to patent knowledge with separate tracks for SMEs, patent attorney and IP professionals, those who want to find out more about PATLIB the network of patent information centres, universities and patent information experts interested in Asian matters. Further details about the event, schedule and registration can be found here.

2021 Annual Sir Hugh Laddie Lecture

The 2021 edition of the Annual Sir Hugh Laddie Lecture will be held on 3 November 2021 at 7:15pm (CET) and this year it will be delivered by Professor Barton Beebe (NYU). The lecture will be based on his upcoming article “Is Europe Running Out of Trademarks? An Empirical Study of Trademark Depletion and Trademark Crowding at the European Union Intellectual Property Office”, in co-authorship with Professor Jeanne C. Fromer (NYU). Find more details and how to register here.

UKIPO – AI & IP roundtables

The UKIPO has partnered with the Alan Turing Institute and the University of Exeter to bring two roundtables on the topic about Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property – AI and IP: An AI Ecosystem Perspective and AI and IP in the Creative Industries. The events will be held online on 9 November (11:00am-12:00pm, CET) and 11 November 2021 (10:00am-11:30am, CET). Further information about the roundtables can be found here for the event on the 9th, and here for the event on the 11th.

UKIPO – Top Tips for SMEs: Protect and Enforce IP in China’s Online and Offline Markets

The UKIPO is also holding another event on 10 November 2021 about IP Enforcement in China. This session will introduce JD Group’s overall approach to IP protection and their initiatives that empower businesses to enforce their rights, including their Intellectual Property Protection Platform and how owners can navigate in an IP complaint process. Information on how to register is available here

The Regulatory Landscape for Copyright Content Moderation: Evaluation and Future Trajectories

A webinar by ReCreating Europe about the current status and future avenues for copyright content moderation in EU law, including a discussion on the rules on liability for online content-sharing service providers, is taking place on 16 November 2021 (10:00am-11:30am, CET). More details about the panels and the registration can be found here

Social Media & Online Platforms – IP tips & Guidelines on Takedowns

ACID (Anti Copying in Design) will hold an online event on 10 November 2021 (12:00pm, CET) to share practical insights into building a proactive intellectual property strategy to avoid online infringement and unauthorised use of content. More details about the event can be found here


Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law

The Department of Humanities and Law at Bournemouth University (BU) is looking for a Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law with a focus on patents. The candidate would play a defining role in the development of Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (CIPPM) and would be also encouraged to contribute to BU’s other research centre/s/grouping as relevant to their expertise. The deadline to submit applications ends on 17 November 2021 and more information about this position can be found here

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