Friday is finally here – is there a better way to celebrate than by updating your schedule with the best IP events? Check the newest IP events and opportunities below!
A Kat prepared for the weekend |
24 May: The IPKat and Simmons & Simmons: Retromark: the Conference, London, UK.
7 June: Bird & Bird: The quiet after the storm? The DSM Directive 1 year on, online.
7 June 2022 marks one year from the day when all EU Member States were due to have implemented the DSM Directive 2019/790. On 7 June 2022, from 12:00pm to 1:00pm (BST), renowned speakers including our PermaKat Eleonora Rosati will discuss the current status of the implementation of the Directive and the differences between the transposition in the Member States. Registration for the event can be made here.
23 and 24 May: The International Conference of WIPO Intellectual Property Training Institutions (IPTIs), online.
The WIPO Academy will organise the International Conference of WIPO Intellectual Property Training Institutions (IPTIs) on 23 and 24 May 2022. The conference brings together partner institutions of WIPO Academy IPTIs to share their experiences and discuss intellectual property (IP) education and training initiatives that they have implemented for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); women entrepreneurs, innovators, and creators; and the youth. The full programme is accessible on their website, where registration can be also made.
27 May: European Copyright Society Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK.
The annual European Copyright Society will place on 27 May 2022 in Nottingham, and there are still places left! The last day to register is 20 May and all relevant info is available on the event’s website.
KU Leuven Centre For IT & IP Law: Research Fellow (M/F – Senior/Junior) with focus on IP Law
The KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) is looking for a Junior or Senior Research Fellow, who will assist in the analysis, impact, and opportunities of IP regulations, in particular copyright, in relation to a variety of topics/projects including Open Science, Open Data/PSI, trade secrets, and more generally to emerging issues of data governance from a property/IP perspective. The candidate will be assisting in research projects either as a researcher or as a coordinator (depending on junior/senior) in the aforementioned areas employing a wide range of methodological approaches (case scenarios, EU comparative analysis, the historical development of legal regulations, etc). As the research may also develop in other areas of law (e.g. fundamental rights, competition law, consumer protection, property law, unfair competition), your familiarity with (some) of these topics will be an asset. The deadline to apply is 8 June 2022 and more information about the position can be found here.
ReCreating Europe and the University of Cyprus – Call for Papers – Rethinking copyright flexibilities
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