Merpel is delighted to announce that she has always been is now a cover model, featured on the front of an edited collection, curated to celebrate the 20th birthday of her best friend, The IPKat! 


The IPKat is now not only the “Most Popular Intellectual Property Law Blawg” but also has its own published collection! The book, Developments and Directions in Intellectual Property Law: 20 Years of The IPKat, is edited by Kats Hayleigh Bosher and Eleonora Rosati and includes contributions from 46 Kats and VIP Katfriends. Together, we review some of the biggest developments in intellectual property law over the lifetime of The IPKat and think about what the future might hold in these spaces. 

As the blog itself does, the book covers a wide range of IP law, policy, and practice, including copyright and image/publicity rights, trade marks and geographical indications, patents/SPCs and trade secrets, across several jurisdictions within Europe, North America, Central America, and Asia. Find out more here. 

We are having a birthday party to celebrate and launch the book and we hope readers will join us in London (generously hosted at the headquarters of Allen&Overy) or online on Thursday, 8 June 2023. You can find the full details and register here

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