While July has just started, here is what you missed during the last week of June. 


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Benjamin Goh reported on the first ever patent challenge before the Unified Patent Court. The post considered the first patent revocation action, filed on the 2nd of June, and the subsequent 10 proceedings that took place before the end of the first month since the UPC came into force.
Anna Maria Stein reported on the reallocation of competences within the seats of the Unified Patent Court.
Rose Hughes discussed the decision of the EPO Board of Appeal in T2391/18, in which the Board of Appeal considered the question whether non-conformity of the description with the claims can, by itself, invalidate a granted patent. 
Rose Hughes commented on the new referral (T0438/19) to the Enlarged Board of Appeal in relation to the fact that the same seeks clarification on the enablement test for prior use of a product. 
Rose Hughes considered the new UK guidance on how the Windsor Framework will be applied to medicines in relation to how the same could affect the UK Supplementary Protection Certificates.


Chijioke Okorie discussed the objectives of the new Copyright Act 2022, including the protection of the rights of authors to “ensure just rewards and recognition for their intellectual property and the provision of “appropriate limitations and exceptions to guarantee access to creative works”. 
Katfriend Sanya Samtani wrote about the fate of South Africa’s Copyright Amendment Bill at the National Council of Provinces as part of the Long Walk to Copyright Reform series. 

Trade marks

Marcel Pemsel discussed the case R1422/2022-2, in which the Board of Appeal of the EUIPO had to deal with the question whether the colour inversion of a rather simple sign is sufficient to establish genuine use. 

The IPKat team

On the 27th of June, Neil Wilkof stepped down as PermaKat and as a member of the IPKat team. In his farewell post, he relived the highlights of his 15-year journey with the IPKat and thanked the IP community for its engagement with his posts and the IPKat contents. 
Annsley Merelle Ward thanked Neil for his contributions to the blog on behalf of the entire IPKat community.

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