Summer is in full swing – yet the IPKat is not chilling by the pool, but rather snacking on the Katfood, so that you don’t have to search for it yourself.

Image credits: Riana Harvey

Events and publications

The Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute joins forces with the Centre for Commercial Law Studies in organising their annual IP event, this year tackling the hot topic of investigating the crucial narratives on the role of IP law and theory in promoting a sustainable world. The event will take place on September 14th and 15th at the Senate House, London. You can find more details about the event (including the list of speakers) and a registration link here

If you ever considered how legally film characters use phones with a bitten apple logo or drink from a perfectly frozen Coca-Cola can without infringing IP, the webinar organised by EUIPO is an answer to your questions. Long story short: if you would like to learn more about IP in cinema and specifically about how trade marks are used in films, then this Cineforum webinar recording is for you.

The 8th session of the WIPO Conversation on Generative AI and IP offers a platform for in-depth exploration and dialogue, seeking to navigate the interplay between generative AI and IP rights. It is an event that will be held online, on September 20 to September 21, 2023. Registration and more information can be found here.

International Copyright Issues and Artificial Intelligence is a webinar organized by the U.S. Copyright Office on July 26, 2023,  as part of an initiative to examine copyright law and policy issues raised by AI technology. You can register here

William Patry, a copyright legend and, as per his article, an IPKat fan too, discussed the Supreme Court’s Warhol v. Goldsmith Opinion [case no. 21–869, full opinion available herefor the Oxford University Press Law blog. In his post, William discusses the decision and reflects on how it might influence and become guidance for future disputes around fair use. William’s full article for the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice can be instead accessed here.


France’s leading computer engineering school, Telecom Paris, is opening a position for associate professor in law and regulation of AI, digital platforms and data. Application deadline: August 15, 2023. More details can be found here

GiKII invites all science fiction aficionados, tech enthusiasts, and legal wizards to submit papers, presentations, and interactive sessions on a wide range of riveting topics including, but not limited to: (i) intellectual property and geek culture (ii) artificial intelligence and robotics (iii) e-sports and gaming Law. The call is open until July 31, 2023 and more information can be found here


João Negrão will be the next executive director of the EUIPO. EU Council representatives have voted for Mr. Negrão to take over the position of executive director of EUIPO from incumbent Christian Archambeau. The appointment is expected to be formally approved in a meeting on July 24th and the position itself will start on October 1st. Currently, Mr. Negrão is EUIPO Boards of Appeal president, holding this position since April 2021. Congratulations to the newly appointed director and to the one stepping out, Mr. Archambeau, for his achievements. 

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