By decision
of 17 January 2024, the General Court (GC) ruled in a case concerning several
national trade marks applications carried out with the aim of bypassing the
six-month cooling-off period provided by Article
29(1) of Regulation No 207/2009. The applicant was considered in bad
faith and the filing strategy deemed an abuse of right.
Mr Auer, personally and through linked companies
(the applicant), filed several Austrian trade mark applications to register the
word “ATHLET” in classes 3, 9 and 12 every 6 months between 2007 and 2010
without paying the fees. This was possible under Austrian law.
In 2010, the applicant finally filed an EU
trade mark application claiming the Austrian priority of 2010. The trade mark
was registered on 29 April 2014 with no. 009224692
(the contested trade mark).
On 2 February 2011, the company Heuver Banden
Groothandel BV (the company) applied for registration of the Benelux word trade
mark “ATHLETE” for Class 12. The Benelux priority was then claimed in the
international registration before the WIPO, with extension of protection to the
European Union.
In 2015 the company was contacted by the exclusive
licensee of the disputed trade mark, also related to Mr. Auer, and was asked to
provide information on the use of the ATHLETE trade mark and to submit a
declaration of abstention from use thereof together with an acknowledgement of
an indemnification obligation.
On December 23, 2015, the company obtained from
the Landgericht Köln (Regional Court of Cologne, Germany) an interim injunction
ordering the applicant to refrain from asserting to its customers that use of
the ATHLETE trade mark constituted an infringement.
In 2016, the exclusive licensee of the contested
trade mark filed an infringement proceeding before the Oberlandesgericht
Hamburg (Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, Germany) against the distributors of
products under the ATHLETE trade mark based on the contested registration.
Lastly, on 19 May 2019 the company applied to
the EUIPO for a declaration of invalidity of the contested mark based on Article
52(1)(b) of Regulation 207/2009. By decision of 31
July 2019, the Cancellation Division of the EUIPO declared the invalidity
of the contested trade mark on the grounds that the conduct of the applicant,
at the time of filing the application for registration of said mark, was to be
qualified as bad faith and, therefore, was contrary to Article
52(1)(b) of Regulation No. 207/2009.
The applicant appealed.
By decision of 8 August 2022 (R
2214/2019, decision available in German) the Board of Appeal of the
EUIPO dismissed the appeal. The Board of Appeal noted that the Cancellation
Division had rightly concluded that the applicant for the contested trade mark
had acted in bad faith and used a dishonest strategy of blocking by repetitive
and abusive filing of national trade mark applications. Such a strategy
contravened the legitimate objectives resulting from the European Union’s trade
mark protection system.
The applicant appealed to the GC.
The decision
The GC stresses that the concept of bad faith
is not defined, delimited or even described in any way in the EU legislation (T-250/21).
Nevertheless, the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)
has provided several clarifications as to how the bad faith as referred to in Article
52(1)(b) of Regulation 207/2009 is to be interpreted (C-104/18,
As regards trade mark law, the absolute ground
referred to in Article
52(1)(b) of Regulation No 207/2009 applies when it clearly results from
the evidences that the trade mark’s holder has applied for registration of that
trade mark not with the aim of fairly participating in the competitive process,
but rather with the intention of damaging the interests of third parties or
with the intention of obtaining an exclusive right for purposes other than those
pertaining to the functions of a trade mark, in particular the essential function
of indication of origin (C-104/18).
The assessment of bad faith must be conducted on
a case by case basis, considering all the relevant factual circumstances at
That said, a technique, consisting of the
progressive registration of national trade marks for the same sign with the aim
of bypassing the six-month cooling-off period under Article
29(1) of Regulation No 207/2009, cannot be evaluated as genuine and
licit commercial conduct (T-627/21),
since all the national trade mark applications were progressively rejected by
the Austrian Patent Office for non-payment of the related registration fees.
Such a filing strategy may also amount to “abuse
of right”. The notion refers to circumstances in which, despite formal
compliance with the conditions laid down by the rules, the objective pursued is
not achieved and the real aim is to obtain a totally different advantage circumventing
the rules on priority.
This decision sheds light on the notion of bad
faith as well as abuse of right. If the applicant for the contested trade mark
wished to extend the protection of its sign by registering it as an EU trade
mark, which would be part of a legitimate commercial strategy, that applicant
would have had the opportunity to do so long before, without filing several
successive applications for registration at national level.
Another case is the repeat filings of a trade
mark, that are not prohibited per se, except when they are carried out only to
avoid the consequences entailed by non-use of earlier trade marks.
We may also recall the abuse of trade mark
process. In case R
2445/2017, the Grand Board of Appeal of the EUIPO ruled that a
revocation action was filed with a fraudulent end aimed at obtaining an undue
advantage and constituted an abuse of rights and process (in that case to put
pressure on the negotiations for the purchase of the some trade marks belonging
to the counterparty). The Grand Board qualified the notion of abuse of process
as a “general procedural objection of a preliminary nature”, which
prevents discussion of the merits of the case (i.e. assessment of genuine use
of the mark).
Picture courtesy of Antonio D’Agostino
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