The IPKat is curled up beside the warm glow of the latest IP intrigue, events and purr-spectives.
5 March 2024: Workshop on Digital Assets, Ownership and Property Rights
Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, in partnership with the Cloud Legal Project at CCLS, is organising a workshop exploring how the concepts of ownership and property rights relate and apply to digital assets. As the debate in both national and international forums gather pace – such as the Law Commission’s Consultation on Digital Assets (2024) and UNIDROIT Principles on Digital Assets and Private Law – this event is a timely opportunity for all to consider the consequences of treating digital assets through the lens of ownership and property rights. Book here.
6 March 2024: High-Level Webinar for IP Practitioners in India
The image was generated by DALL·E, using Kat Tian’s prompt. |
Organised by WIPO and The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) in collaboration with UK IPO you can join a virtual tour de force of three core themes at the forefront of today’s IP landscape: IP and AI: Patenting in the Age of Digital Transformation; IP Ecosystems: International Treaties and Instruments for Patent Protection; Enhancing Patent Prosecution for IP Offices, IP Attorneys/Agents and Future Developments. You can register here.
Calls and opportunities
30 June – 3 July 2024: 42nd ATRIP Congress
Luiss Guido Carli University is hosting an event entitled ‘Intellectual Property, Ethical Innovation and Sustainability, Towards a New Social Contract for the Digital Economy?’ Registrations are now open here, including the call for papers the main conference and for the PhD workshop.
Lecturer in IP Law at the University of Liverpool
Deadline for application: 20 March 2024. For more information, click here.
Research Associate (m/f/d) in Law and AI at the University of Tübingen
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