Another week, another round up of what’s going on at the moment!
Super kids
Seven-year-old named Callie from Manchester won the Kids Invent Stuff and Taskmaster Education Competition supported by the UK’s Intellectual Property Office. The competition coincided with Science Week and involved 1,600 inventors aged 4-11 creating solutions to problems. The winning
invention was a bath tub that shoots tasks out one end and ‘poops’ rubber ducks out of the other, which as the winning idea got made IRL. Well done Callie for your brilliant idea – I hope you continue to innovate and don’t forget to get your patents filed before the next one gets shown on YouTube.
25 March 2025: Ministry of Culture, Rome | Musica e Intelligenza Artificiale: Opportunità, rischi e la sfida nella regolamentazione | Details sono qui (Italian speakers only).
- 27 March 2025: University of London, City St George’s | Trade Mark Law and Image Rights | See details here.
- 3 April 2025: Retromark: the conference, Simmons & Simmons | Professor Johanna Gibson, Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary University of London, will deliver the keynote speech. If you haven’t signed up already you may find a free space or two via Eventbrite here. If you have a ticket but can no longer attend please cancel your booking to release your place to others. See you there!
- 24 June 2025: University of London and online | 2025 Sir Hugh Laddie Lecture – Patent Law Harmonisation: How we got this far (Rt Hon Sir Christopher Floyd) | Book here.
24-25 April 2025: Fordham Law School, NYC | 32nd Annual IP Conference | Click here to register.
28-31 May 2025: XXXI FIDE Congress Katowice 2025, Katowice, Poland | See details here.
University of Cambridge, Senior Research Associate (Law and Pharmaceutical Innovation) – Deadline: 15 April 2025
The Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge is recruiting for a fixed-term (2 years funded at present, starting mid-2025) Senior Research Associate in the Faculty of Law. They are looking for someone to work on the challenges of pharmaceutical innovation, and who is highly motivated, and an expert in relevant areas of law, public policy and interdisciplinary research. For details see here.
University of Cambridge, Senior Research Associate (Law, Innovation and Advanced Medical Computing) – Deadline: 15 April 2025
The Cambridge Faculty of Law is also recruiting for a Senior Research Associate to work on the challenges of innovation and advanced medical computing. Fixed-term (2 years funded at present, starting mid-2025). They are looking for someone who is highly motivated, and an expert in relevant areas of law, innovation, regulation and advanced medical computing. Details here.
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