
PermaKat Eleonora Rosati discussed the recent CJEU judgment in case C-597/19 concerning the treatment of (i) seeding under the InfoSoc Directive and of (ii) ‘trolls’ under the Enforcement Directive, as well as the interplay between copyright enforcement and data protection law (GDPR). [see also an earlier IPKat post on the preliminary ruling behind this case here]. According to the CJEU, seeding (an uploading technology used in peer-to-peer file sharing) does constitute an act of communication/making available to the public. With regard to the second part of the reference, the CJEU answered that also those persons, who are holding certain IP rights, but are not themselves using those rights, may, in principle, benefit from the measures, procedures and remedies, provided under the Enforcement Directive.
Katfriend Sandra Torillas Rodríguez prepared a guest post on the non-fungible tokens’ (NFTs) implications for IP. After providing readers with some background on NFT, Sandra discusses how copyright law can be applied to an NFT artwork, using Banksy’s art as a case study.

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Never Too Late 318 [week ending 30 May]: BREAKING: Oral proceedings in G1/21 (ViCo) rescheduled due to procedural technicality | [Guest Post] Repeat filings after Monopoly: an exchange of views | [Guest post] De minimis uses and the German implementation of Art 17 DSM Directive | Book Review: The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law

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