This Kat is having a lazy Sunday

As the mercury rises in the northern hemisphere, let’s take a look at what’s hot off the press around the IP blogs.


The Kluwer Copyright Blog hosted a discussion of remixing and remastering music according to US copyright law following the recent US District Court for the Central District of California decision in Arty v. Marshmello.

CREATe (University of Glasgow) published a discussion and review of empirical evidence regarding ‘optimality versus reality’ in the setting of copyright terms internationally. 

Also from CREATe, and ideally for Kats seeking to unwind in the sun, came a roundup of recent IP scholarship to add to one’s summer reading list.

The future of journalism has become a hotly contested topic around the world, with Prof. Michael Geist summarising his appearance before the Canadian Senate Standing Committee on Transport and Communications as part of its study on Bill S-225, where he opposed the proposal to increase copyright enforcement as a means of addressing the media’s challenges.


The IP Watchdog considered the applicability of AI-based SEP prediction models to the valuation and determination of essentiality of SEPs, supporting their use in certain use cases to support expert opinion.

FOSS Patents reported on changes afoot at the Munich Regional Court, where, thanks to the promotion of Dr. Georg Werner to Presiding Judge, consistency is likely to be furthered and there is even the possibility that a third patent litigation division will be created.


In a guest post from Pedro Matheus and Leonardo Cordeiro (Gruenbaum, Possinhas & Teixeira), IPTango discussed the Brazilian Supreme Court’s definition of the effect of a decision which declared Art.40 of the Industrial Property Law of Brazil to be unconstitutional.  

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