Earlier this year, IPKat reported on the EPO’s advertised workshop on description amendments (IPKat). The stated aim of the workshop, which took place at the end of June, was to provide users with “clarity” on description amendments in view of some recent conflicting decisions on the topic from the Boards of Appeal. The EPO has now reported that the workshop of experts “confirmed” EPO practice on description amendments. No mention is made of any dissenting opinion.
New approach to description amendments |
By way of a brief recap, the recent controversy over description amendments began with a significant tightening in the 2021 EPO Guidelines for Examination of the requirement for applicants to amend the description of a patent application in line with the allowed claims (IPKat). This requirement requires applicants to either delete subject matter not covered by the claims or to explicitly state that such subject matter is not part of the invention.
The EPO is alone among the major patent offices in having such a requirement. Opponents of the EPO’s description amendment requirement argue that it lacks legal basis in the EPC and is overly burdensome for applicants. Making substantial amendments to the description during prosecution also runs the risk of affecting the interpretation of the claims by the national courts.
There have been a number of recent Board of Appeal decisions on the legality of the description amendment requirement, as summarised below.
Legal basis for the description amendment requirement:
- T 1024/18 (1 March 2022)
- T 2766/17 (17 March 2022)
- T 2293/18 (31 March 2022)
- T 0121/20 (11 March 2022)
- T 1516/20 (16 May 2022)
No legal basis for the description amendment requirement:
From the EPO’s point of view, the workshop on description amendments was a roaring success. According to a recent EPO press release:
Board of Appeal finds no legal basis for the requirement to amend the description in line with the claims (T1989/18) (26 Dec 2021)
Can amending the description to summarize the prior art add matter to the patent application as filed? (T 0471/20) (5 Jan 2022)
EPO Board of Appeal toes the party-line on description amendments (T 1024/18) (4 April 2022)
EPO workshop to provide users with “more certainty” on description amendments (25 May 2022)
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