If you are challenged by the current weather forecast, we suggest you consider it a great excuse to spend a day in a conference room. Alternatively, you can draft an abstract while petting a cat, snuggling up under a blanket. Here are some ideas on how to explore these opportunities.
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UCL Annual Privacy Lecture 2024
University College London‘s (UCL) Institute of Brand & Innovation Law will hold its Annual Privacy Lecture 2024 on „AI-Enabled Crime“ on Wednesday, January 31 2024. As the organisers explain, generative AI is changing cybercrime in the form of deepfakes, automated phishing at scale and region-free scams. Next, we’re likely to see fully automated malware campaigns, using machine learning. Most cybersecurity systems already heavily use AI. Once the attackers migrate to AI, attack and defence online will become a game of a robot against a robot. That said, the lecture aims to tackle the issue of defence against cyberattacks, as a never-ending race. The event will be held in person at the UCL Faculty of Laws (Bloomsbury, London, followed by a reception) and on-line. More information and registration details can be found here.
CIPA seminars
The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) organises a series of seminars, under the „Patent Case Law Tour 2023“ name. The events will consist of a lunch and a round-up of the latest IPO, UK, EPO, and US Patent Case Law decisions and will be followed by a networking drinks reception. The tour will take place in Scotland, Manchester, and end in London. More information on the tour dates and locations can be found here.
Calls for papers / writing contests
SASE conference
The Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) organises a conference, „Intellectual property rights contested: control over vs. access to knowledge“, which will be held on June 27-29 2024 at the University of Limerick, Ireland. Organisers are currently (until January 19 2024) accepting abstracts. The submissions should be in English and of no more than 1.000 words. More information can be found here.
ECTA Award
All IP professionals and students are invited to submit an article or essay of importance for the development of the EU Intellectual Property Law for the new edition of the ECTA Award. Successful entries will lead to recognition, a monetary prize, an 18-month free ECTA membership, and publication of winners’ work on the ECTA website. The winners will also be honoured by ECTA President at the ECTA Annual Conference in Antwerp on June 21, 2024. Submissions should be made to [email protected] by February 28 2024. More information can be found here.
ALAI Award
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