Stay updated in the IP world this week: upcoming
events, call for papers and job opportunities are waiting for you!


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Forthcoming events and call for papers


On June
21, 2024
, the
Milan Bar Association  is organizing a conference on “IP and
Ethics: Italian and French Experience
” at the “Palazzo di Giustizia”
in Milan. Here is the
The event is being held in cooperation with the
Paris Bar Association.
This inaugural meeting will facilitate discussions of how IP lawyers in Italy
and France handle issues such as conflicts of interest and professional
secrecy. Conference registration: for France by e-mail to
[email protected] and for

The SERCI Annual Congress
for 2024 is set to take place at Texas A&M University in Fort Worth, Texas,
USA, on September 6, and September 7, 2024. The event is
organized by Prof. Glynn Lunney, with Prof. Keith Maskus from the University of
Colorado Boulder as keynote speaker. For more information and updates, visit
There is a Call for Papers: submissions to be presented at the congress (any
topic that uses economic analysis to better understand any issue related to Copyright)
can be emailed to
[email protected]
 by June 30th, 2024.

On September 19, 2024, our PermaKat Prof. Eleonora Rosati
will discuss the “Liability for AI-generated outputs under EU/UK Copyright Law”
in a
organized by
4IP Council.
The session will explore whether AI-generated outputs resembling existing works
can be considered actionable reproductions rather than just plagiarism, and who
would be liable, whether the user inputting prompts or the AI tool developers.
It will also examine who may benefit from exceptions and limitations under copyright
law and under what conditions these defences apply. You can register


The Media & Arts Law Review is seeking papers exploring
the intersection of law, culture, and power in relation to Taylor Swift for
inclusion in a Special Issue. You can find all the details in the
Call for papers.  

are due by 28 June 2024, with final papers due by 16 September 2024.


Job opportunities


The University of Amsterdam is seeking a DSA Research
Fellow to join the DSA Observatory team
with a
profile in information law. The researcher will contribute to the Observatory’s
role as an independent hub on the EU Digital Services Act, focusing on
fundamental rights and democratic values to address platform power. Applications
due by 15 July 2024. For more information about the DSA Observatory, you
can visit the website

Picture by Umberto Maria Galante


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