3 February 2012

4 December 2017

+ full page history

  1. Exchange Rate £1 = 1.3163 Swiss Francs as of 1 December 2017.

  2. Exchange rate updated for 1 November 2017.

  3. Exchange rate updated for 1 October 2017.

  4. Exchange rate £1= 1.2426 Swiss Francs as of 1 September 2017.

  5. Exchange rate updated for 1 August 2017.

  6. Exchange rate updated for 1 July 2017.

  7. Exchange rate updated for 1 June.

  8. Exchange rate updated for May 2017.

  9. Exchange rate updated to £1 = 1.2597 Swiss Francs as of 1 April 2017.

  10. Exchange rate updated to £1 = 1.2510 Swiss Francs as of 1 March 2017.

  11. Bank transfer address has been amended.

  12. Exchange rate updated to £1 = 1.2427 Swiss Francs as of 1 February 2017.

  13. Exchange rate updated to £1= 1.2592 Swiss Francs as of 1 January 2017.

  14. Exchange rate £1 = 1.2661 Swiss Francs as of 1 December 2016

  15. Exchange rate £1= 1.2054 Swiss Francs as of 1 November 2016

  16. Exchange rate £1= 1.2615 Swiss Francs as of 1 October 2016.

  17. Exchange rate £1= 1.2895 Swiss Francs as of 1 September 2016.

  18. Exchange rate £1 = 1.1844 Swiss Francs.

  19. Exchange rate £1= 1.3105 Swiss Francs as of 1 July 2016.

  20. Exchange rate £1= 1.4494 Swiss Francs as of 1 June 2016.

  21. Exchange rate £1= 1.4014 Swiss Francs as of 1 May 2016.

  22. Exchange rate £1= 1.3834 Swiss Francs as of 1 April 2016.

  23. Exchange rate £1= 1.3855 Swiss Francs as of 1 March 2016.

  24. Exchange rate £1= 1.3155 Swiss Francs as of 1 February 2016.

  25. Exchange rate updated to £1= 1.3561 Swiss Francs as of 1 January 2016.

  26. Exchange rate updated as of 1 December 2015.

  27. Exchange rate updated as of 1 November 2015.

  28. Exchange rate updated as of 1 October 2015.

  29. Exchange rate updated as of 1 September 2015.

  30. Exchange rate updated as of 1 August 2015.

  31. Email address to request a DP1 form now within the terms and conditions.

  32. The exchange rate for Madrid Protocol applications we receive from 1 July 2015 will be £1 = 1.4067 Swiss Francs.

  33. Exchange rate updated as of 1 June 2015.

  34. Exchange rate updated as of 1 May 2015.

  35. Exchange rate updated as of 1 April 2015.

  36. Exchange rate for 1 March 2015 has been added.

  37. Exchange rate for 1 February 2015 has been added.

  38. Exchange rate updated.

  39. Madrid exchange rate amended to £1 = 1.5114.

  40. The exchange rate for Madrid Protocol application fees has been updated.

  41. The exchange rate for Madrid Protocol applications has been updated.

  42. Exchange rate updated on 1 September 2014.

  43. First published.
Content Reproduced verbatim from the Website of the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) as permitted under their Terms of Use.