Summer moves on |
The second session of the FIDE (Legal and Business Research Foundation) and TIPSA (Transatlantic Intellectual Property Academy) Global Digital Encounters is scheduled for 28 May. After a successful first encounter, dedicated to the challenges of the IP system in a post-crisis environment, this second session is titled “From West to East: Trade, IP and Investment after the Crisis”. The speakers include Antony Taubman (WTO), Prof. Ysolde Gendreau (University of Montreal) and Prof. Claudio Dordi (Bocconi University), with Prof. Xavier Seuba (Catalonian Open University) acting as the moderator.
The UCL IBIL is holding two online seminars on IP law, policy and practice and policy issues around COVID-19. First session, “IP Rights for Treating and Preventing COVID-19”, will be held on 28 May. The second session, “COVID-19: Copyright, Competition Law and Privacy”, is scheduled for 4 June. Prof. Sir Robin Jacob (UCL) and Dr. Emily Hudson (King’s College London) are among the event’s speakers.
Cohausz &Florack are holding a three-part webinar series on co-ownership and priority in intellectual property, on 28 May, 4 June and 9 June, respectively. The list of speakers include Christopher Rennie-Smith, former member of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the EPO, who scheduled to speak at the June 9th session on the EPO case law on priority.Registration for the three webinars is open until 27 May.
The University of Turin, together with WIPO and the ITC ILO (International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization), are holding their Annual Conference on 29 May. This year’s topic is “Intellectual Property Rights and Liability Rules: Proportionality in Injunctive Relief”. Sessions will focus on patent law, soft IP law and copyright. Join the meeting, following this link.
Two interdisciplinary PostDoc positions in IP and IT law are open at the University of Glasgow. One of the two contracts is for a period of two years, the other one is for a period of one year. Applications close on 7 June .
The University of Luxembourg has an opening for a position of Associate Professor with promotion track in intellectual property law. The offer includes a full-time position and a permanent contract. Applications close on 10 June .
The Academy of European Law (ERA) provides open access to numerous past e-presentations on intellectual property, covering issues of copyright, trade mark and design law.
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