This Kat is feeling summery |
What Kat reader could resist the siren call of assorted miscellany?
The Competition Law Association is holding three upcoming webinars:
- Analysing Algorithms: new frontiers in anti-trust, 3 June.
- What IP Practioners need to know about Competition Law, 15 June.
- Navigating Competition Law Issues in IP Settlements, 25 June.
More information and registration can be found here.
WIPO and AIPPI will hold a joint webinar on the topic, ‘Green Tech and Digital IP: Creating the Green Technology Revolution’, on 3 June 2021. Register here.
OxFirst is hosting the 6th IP and Competition Forum, entitled ‘A New World Order for FRAND?’, on 23-25th June, with free tickets for IPKat readers available via registration for Days 1, 2, and 3.
The Central IP Service of the European Commission has published a vacancy for a “Legal officer – Intellectual Property”, to focus mostly on copyright and software. The complete notice is available here, while interested candidates should first submit an application to an EPSO selection procedure (e.g. EPSO/CAST/P/15/2017 FG IV Law CAST Permanent) before completing their application to this specific post. The position is only open to nationals of EU Member States, and applications are open until 14/06/2021, 23:59 (Brussels time).
The UK’s IPO has published its Corporate Plan for 2021-22, outlining its planned activity and targets for the next year. Its targets include creating equivalent post-Brexit UK rights, ensuring continuous improvement, issuing an AI call for views and earning customer satisfaction of at least 85%, as well as offering financial support to SMEs and innovative businesses following COVID-19.
The IFIM (University of Stockholm) recently hosted a conference on the topic of EU Copyright Law – The State of Play and Future Directions, with the recording now available here.
The Australian Government recently commissioned a Patents Accessibility Review, focusing on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and their low use of the patent system, carried out by Emeritus Professor Raoul Mortley.
Photo by Hasan Albari from Pexels
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