• New Records Set in Global Intellectual Property filings in 2016

    Many offices use the Nice Classification, an international classification of goods and services for registering trademarks and service marks. Applications received by these offices are …. An estimated 706,300 industrial designs were registered worldwide in 2016. This represents an annual decline of 3.5% …

  • A successful year for trade marks and designs worldwide

    However, the EU follows China in the number of design applications filed yearly. Interestingly, agriculture, research and technology and business services were the top three sectors in which trade marks were filed in 2016. Whereas, furniture was the most registered product worldwide. Additionally …

  • Student designs, creates in Idea Factory

    When Luis Zamarripa enrolled in classes at Midland College in 2015, he “accidentally” registered for a computer graphics class. “I like playing video games and wanted to learn how to design computer games,” Zamarripa said. “I didn’t realize that computer graphics was actually computer-assisted …

  • Brexit trade mark warning

    “This means that owners of registered EU trade marks and designs who are worried about protection in the EU should file a UK application as soon as possible or risk their intellectual property being open to exploitation by others.” Travers added: “The reason this matters so much is because trade... Continue reading

  • Registered nurse tattoo designs

    Registered nurse tattoo designs. Diabetes Advocacy’s Medical Tattoos and awareness tattoo gallery. A Registered Nurse symbol list includes the Caduceus, a cap, the uniform, the Florence Nightingale lamp, a nursing pledge, abbreviations and tatoos. Find and save ideas about Caduceus tattoo on …

  • A successful year for trade marks and designs worldwide

    However, the EU follows China in the number of design applications filed yearly. Interestingly, agriculture, research and technology and business services were the top three sectors in which trade marks were filed in 2016. Whereas, furniture was the most registered product worldwide. Additionally …

  • Could WSP GLOBAL (OTCMKTS:WSPOF) Change Direction After Less Shorts?

    The stock of WSP GLOBAL (OTCMKTS:WSPOF) registered a decrease of 6.84% in short interest. … The Company’s Transportation & Infrastructure segment plans, analyzes, designs, and manages rail, transit, aviation, bridge, tunnel, highway, port, road, and urban infrastructure projects for public and …

  • Legendary US Audio Brand Klipsch Chooses Frontier Solution with Google Assistant

    “It has been a pleasure partnering with the Klipsch team to design speakers with the Google Assistant and Chromecast built-in. … Frontier Smart Technologies is a trademark or registered trademark of Frontier Smart Technologies Group Ltd. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of …

  • Signaling A New Direction In The Company’s Mobile Handset Philosophy, Alcatel Introduces Re …

    Trademarks, including but not limited to BLACKBERRY and EMBLEM Design are the trademarks or registered trademarks of BlackBerry Limited, used under license, and the exclusive rights to such trademarks are expressly reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Artisans Are The Backbone Of Handicrafts Sector: OP Prahladka, EPCH Chairman

    Under ‘Design Register’, a member exporter can register designs without any hassle, which means design and product development should not be a difficult task for a common entrepreneur. EPCH has also been engaging artisans, handicrafts promoters, buyers and exporters by offering huge sourcing …