• CAFC Rule 36 Judgement: 24 Hour Affirmance with No Explanation

    In the end, no matter whether you are a Patent Owner or Petitioner, after a long fought legal battle and the millions spent on litigation, the parties are owed more than a single sentence “THIS CAUSE having been heard and considered, it is ORDERED and ADJUDGED: PER CURIAM – AFFIRMED.

  • Many patent-holders stop looking to East Texas fol…

    Delaware is popular because of it’s well developed corporate caselaw and unmatched judicial experience, which is particularly attractive to investors (i.e. potential plaintiffs) because it minimizes legal risk. If you want investment, there are only two states to consider when incorporating: your home state …

  • RPX Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2017 Financial Results

    “Our solid results in 2017 reflect RPX’s continued success in bringing efficiency and transparency to the patent market, including our unique ability to … further comments on developments related to this review except upon entry into a definitive transaction agreement or as otherwise required by law.

  • Japan intellectual property agreement in the pipeline

    Minister Prasidh said the agreement will enable the ministry and Cambodian law practitioners to benefit from JPAA’s knowledge and experience in the field of intellectual property law. “The cooperation will allow us to gain experience, raise our skill level and attract more Japanese investors to Cambodia …

  • Aussie law firms failing to make good first impression

    Most Australian law firms are not making a good first impression with prospective clients and legal providers. … The intellectual property partner has wide experience of IP and IT across multiple industries and has a specialty in international licensing, particularly in the retail, hospitality and healthcare …

  • Ricker joins Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society’s council

    … risk management and legal advice about health law, employment law, business law, privacy and confidentiality, and intellectual property law. … named to the 2018-2019 council were Frank E. DeMont of DeMont Law in New Glasgow, who will serve as president, and first vice-president, Halifax-based …

  • Fish & Richardson Receives Top “Band 1” 2018 Rankings for Intellectual Property and ITC …

    Fish & Richardson is a global patent prosecution, intellectual property litigation, and commercial litigation law firm with more than 400 attorneys and technology specialists in the U.S. and Europe. Our success is rooted in our creative and inclusive culture, which values the diversity of people, experiences, …

  • CON: NAFTA a good deal for corporations, a bad deal for the country

    The ISDS stand apart from the existing legal system. They allow a foreign … As a factual matter, the tribunal would not directly overturn a law, it would just impose a penalty for leaving it in place. … Trade deals like NAFTA help to lock in our current system of... Continue reading

  • Some New Papers on the Appropriate Royalty Base for FRAND-Committed Patents

    Some New Papers on the Appropriate Royalty Base for FRAND-Committed Patents. 1. Fredrick Nilsson has published a paper titled Appropriate Base to Determine a Fair Return on Investment: A Legal and Economic Perspective on FRAND, in the December 2017 issue of GRUR Int. (pp. 1017-1023).

  • 28 USC §1498. Patent and copyright cases

    2017:1 KEI Briefing Note: Bayh-Dole Act and difference between March-In Rights and the world wide royalty free rights in patents; Feb. 24, 2017 Compulsory Licensing Workshop – Panel Discussion, 28 U.S.C. 1498. There have been a large number of cases where 1498 has been used, and we’ll add …