• Blue-state officials plot response to GOP tax law

    Elected officials in high-tax Democratic-leaning states are looking at creative ways to prevent the new tax law from raising their residents’ bills. The new law, which passed in December with only Republican votes, caps the state and local tax (SALT) deduction at $10,000. GOP lawmakers said they hoped …

  • Patent-Ineligibility of Medical Diagnostics, Life Sciences Discoveries Arrests US Progress

    Applying the Alice standard to any patent covering a useful technology derived from either of the scientific discoveries at the top of this article and it’s easy to see the writing on the wall in terms of a firm’s ability to protect its investment under the current law. The expression... Continue reading

  • In US District Courts Patent Litigation Fell by a Whopping 17% Last…

    In US District Courts Patent Litigation Fell by a Whopping 17% Last Year http://techrights.org/2018/01/07/us-patent-litigation-fell-sharply/ #uspto #us … patently false statements are being made in an effort to frame this as devastation to science and technology rather than devastation to patent law firms …

  • In US District Courts Patent Litigation Fell by a Whopping 17% Last Year

    The push for broader patent scope is met with growing resistance not only from the public but also from courts; patently false statements are being made in an effort to frame this as devastation to science and technology rather than devastation to patent law firms.

  • Historically important patents

    Images above from top: the cotton gin patent by Eli Whitney; a Morse key; Edison’s patent; the Benz patent; the Wright brothers take off, 1905; All In 1474, in Venice, the first known patent law that granted inventors exclusive rights to their inventions was passed as a result of an... Continue reading

  • IPO Webinar on Using Declarations Regarding Prior Art under the AIA

    The Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) will offer a one-hour webinar entitled “USPTO on Using Declarations Regarding Prior Art under the AIA” on January 11, 2018 from 2:00 to 3:00 pm (ET). Kathleen Fonda, Senior Legal Advisor, Office of Patent Legal Administration, U.S. Patent and …

  • Andrew M. Gabriel, Attorney, Cafardi, Ferguson, Wyrick, Weis + Stotler, LLC to Speak at TKG’s …

    Andrew M. Gabriel, Attorney, Cafardi, Ferguson, Wyrick, Weis + Stotler, LLC to Speak at TKG’s Artificial Intelligence and The Patent Law: Promises and Perils Event. New York, NY, January 07, 2018 — The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of …

  • Unitary patent brexit

    According to the report commissioned by the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys, it is legally possible for the UK to remain in the system and for London to 22 Aug 2017 The press conference can be viewed here at the EU website about the brexit negotiations. Intellectual Property Law expert,... Continue reading


    The shareholders of McAfee & Taft, Oklahoma’s largest law firm, have elected Jessica John Bowman a shareholder. John Bowman is a patent attorney and trial lawyer whose practice is primarily focused on intellectual property, environmental, and appellate litigation. She also maintains an active …

  • Patents in biotechnology ppt

    To simultaneously spur subsequent research, the article further Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Vol. Facts. 04. Concluding remarks Biotechnology Patenting In India and Related Issues. The legislative body. Novelty. What legal rights do patents provide (and not provide)? Who owns these rights?