• Patent Law and the Two Cultures” by Peter Lee

    Recommended Citation. Peter Lee, Patent Law and the Two Cultures, 120 Yale L.J. (2010). Available at: http://digitalcommons.law.yale.edu/ylj/vol120/iss1/1. Download …

  • Software patent uk

    It is well-documented that although the European Patent Convention (EPC) and the UK Patents Act 1977 exclude computer programs from patent protection, this exclusion Software that allows programmers to program a mobile phone system remotely from a computer can be patented because it is more …

  • USPTO Defends Charging Attys’ Fees At Full Fed. Circ.

    Law360, Washington (March 8, 2018, 6:39 PM EST) — The U.S. patent office insisted before an en banc panel of the Federal Circuit on Thursday that the agency was well within its rights in 2015 when it suddenly began making patent applicants cover all legal costs associated with challenges to... Continue reading

  • Property Law Essay

    property law essay final year corporate law essay wind farm regulationan property righ intellectual property essay property law assignment property in body parts lwz first national development agenda laws on native title what is thinkswap plus of or an right challenges valuing write pictures wikihow best …

  • Trial And Error, Or The Problem Of Clinical Trial Data Exclusivity

    But in the case of some pharmaceuticals, even if a bad patent is challenged and invalidated or the United States government actually decided to exercise its “march-in” rights to address pharmaceutical pricing (something that it has never done before), there may still be another barrier: data exclusivity.

  • In-House IP Lawyers Can Code Their Way Into New Gig

    In-House IP Lawyers Can Code Their Way Into New Gig. Recruiters say they are seeing a growing demand for in-house IP lawyers who can code. … In-house intellectual property lawyers have long been expected to know how to write and communicate well, in addition to having a deep knowledge of... Continue reading

  • An Uphill Battle Protecting Fashion Designs In Nigeria and Abroad

    Growing frustration in the fashion community regarding weak or non-existent intellectual property laws has finally caught the attention of some nations. Nigeria is one nation that currently is trying to alleviate this frustration by reforming its intellectual property laws.

  • Sen. Sherrod Brown’s Democratic colleagues must envy his positioning for the fall

    Reuters reports that a group of six patent law professors has “urged a federal appeals court to recognize the validity of diagnostic testing patents owned by the Cleveland Clinic,” saying lower courts “are improperly canceling biotech patents based on a misunderstanding of what constitutes eligible …

  • Thomas Quigley joins the MTA as general counsel

    Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton has added Grace Pan as a partner on the firm’s Patent Litigation Team. Prior to joining, she was a partner at Holland & Knight. Baker Botts has promoted associates Jon Finelli and Justine Gozzi to the position of special counsel. JillAllison Opell has joined Foley &... Continue reading

  • NantKwest En Banc Oral Argument Today

    The examiner and the PTAB rejected the inventor’s patent application on nonobviousness grounds, and rather than immediately appealing to the Federal Circuit (which is one option under these circumstances) the applicant initiated a lawsuit against the director in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern …