• Rethinking academic conferences

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/11/rethinking-academic-conferences.html Following the previous Katpost [here] which raised some questions about the effectiveness of academic conferences, I received a number of direct responses from readers leading to some constructive conversations on the topic. [A selection of anonymised quotes is provided below].  Thinking of solutions now! Image: Riana Harvey The overwhelming feeling... Continue reading

  • Copyrighting the Ogopogo Monster: The © story behind the news story

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/11/copyrighting-ogopogo-monster-story.html Kat friend Hugh Stephens describes the murky story of IP and the Ogopogo monster (“murky” as the waters in which the Ogopogo is said to dwell). The headline –“City of Vernon transfers copyright to legendary Ogopogo to B.C. Indigenous nations”–was featured in newspapers and broadcasts across Canada, based on... Continue reading

  • Book review: The Future of Copyright in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/11/book-review-future-of-copyright-in-age.html Can artificial intelligence (AI) create things? Yes. AI has created movies such as Sunspring 2016, written novels like The Day a Computer Writes a Novel, and made art in the form of The Next Rembrandt.  But-are those creations the same as human creations? Arguably not. For a start, all... Continue reading

  • Easy Sanitary Solutions v Group Nivelles returns to the CJEU (case C-419/22 P)

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/10/easy-sanitary-solutions-v-group.html Kat readers interested in EU design law likely remember the textbook case concerning the validity of a design for a shower drain. This case, which reached the Court of Justice (CJEU) in 2017, discussed whether the same public shall be considered when examining novelty, and individual character a design,... Continue reading

  • Book review: IPEC Practice and Procedures

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/10/book-review-ipec-practice-and-procedures.html This is a review of the third edition of The Intellectual Property Enterprise Court: Practice and Procedure by Angela Fox, partner at Maucher Jenkins and head of the UK Litigation and Dispute Resolution group.    The previous edition of the book was published back in 2016, so there was... Continue reading

  • Do we need to rethink academic conferences?

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/10/do-we-need-to-rethink-academic.html EPIP (European Policy for Intellectual Property) – as the website states – is an international, independent, interdisciplinary, non-profit association of researchers that grew out of a network financed by the European Commission in 2003-05. The annual EPIP conference took place from 14th – 16th September 2022, at Cambridge University... Continue reading

  • Nilotinib included in the Medicines Patent Pool; New voluntary licensing agreement between the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) and Novartis

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/10/nilotinib-included-in-medicines-patent.html The Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) and Novartis have unveiled a new voluntary licensing agreement to allow generic drugmakers in seven middle income nations to develop, manufacture, and supply generic versions of the leukaemia treatment nilotinib. This new agreement was announced on the side-lines of the World Cancer Congress.  The... Continue reading

  • UK IPO publishes Innovation and Growth Report 2021/22

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/10/uk-ipo-publishes-innovation-and-growth.html The UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has published its annual Innovation and Growth report for 2021/22.  The aim of this annual report is to capture how the IPO has worked across government, together with its partners and stakeholders, to encourage investment in innovation and growth.   Some of the... Continue reading

  • Sufficiency of broad functional genus and first medical use claims in Europe (T 0424/21)

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/10/sufficiency-of-broad-functional-genus.html The Board of Appeal in T 0424/21 considered the sufficiency of a broad genus of antibodies and their use to treat any disease.  The breadth of the patent claims upheld on appeal may well be astonishing to US readers used to the onerous US sufficiency requirements. In contrast to the US, the... Continue reading

  • Tuesday Wonders

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/10/tuesday-wonders.html November is just around the corner and the next events and opportunities for IP enthusiasts are already here!  “meanwhile the genius was sleeping” by extraterila is licensed under CC BY 2.0. EVENTS 27 October 2022 | 4iP Council: webinar “IP Waiver in pandemic times” (online) This webinar provides an overview of the... Continue reading