• European Commission calls for evidence on anti-counterfeit toolbox initiative

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/02/european-commission-calls-for-evidence.html In the 2020 Commission IP Action Plan, the European Commission (‘EC’) announced that it would establish an EU Toolbox against counterfeiting. The EU Toolbox is part of the EU Strategy to tackle Organised Crime 2021-2025. The EC reports that despite efforts to battle counterfeit goods, the market is still... Continue reading

  • Swedish court applies C-762/19 CV-Online Latvia in parking app battle

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/02/swedish-court-applies-c76219-cv-online.html The IPKat is delighted to host the guest post below, penned by Katfriend Hans Eriksson (Westerberg and Partners), on a recent Swedish decision which has applied the recent ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in C-762/19 CV-Online Latvia. Here’s what Hans writes: Thankfully Kitty... Continue reading

  • UK IPO announce new IP Counter-Infringement strategy

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/02/uk-ipo-announce-new-ip-crime-strategy.html The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has today published the UK’s new Intellectual Property counter-infringement strategy, which sets out how the government will address IP crime and infringement over the next five years. Here is what the IPO say about the strategy: The new strategy represents a step change in... Continue reading

  • Neurim v. Mylan– the Illiad was shorter

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/02/neurim-v-mylan-illiad-was-shorter.html The Neurim v. Mylan saga, which started two years ago, is still going strong. The latest was a ruling by the High Court on 24 January 2022 (2022) EWHC 109 (Pat) (read here). The ups and downs, and the turns this dispute have taken, remind one of a rollercoaster.... Continue reading

  • UK IPO launches call for views on the Designs System

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/01/uk-ipo-launches-call-for-views-on.html The UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is carrying out a Call for Views as part of a review of the designs system to make sure it remains fit for the future. The deadline to respond to the call is 25 March 2022. The IPO have provided the following details: The... Continue reading

  • No IP, no right to information? CJEU to clarify scope of article 8 Enforcement Directive

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/01/no-ip-no-right-to-information-cjeu-to.html Under article 8(1) of the Enforcement Directive (Directive 2004/48/EC) a claimant in infringement proceedings can request a court to order certain parties to disclose information. This so-called ‘right to information’ includes information on the origin of the infringement (e.g. who manufactured the counterfeit goods) and its extent (the quantities... Continue reading

  • Sunday Surprises

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/01/sunday-surprises_30.html January is nearly over and it seems almost impossible to catch up with how fast time is going by. However, it is never impossible to catch up with the best IP events. Check this week’s events and a small note from our PermaKat Neil Wilkof. Every time is IPKat... Continue reading

  • Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat the past 2 weeks!

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/01/never-too-late-if-you-missed-ipkat-past.html The IPKat has published several posts over the past two weeks! Here they are in case you missed them: TRADE MARKS Katfriend Marijus Dingilevskis posted on a recent decision of the Lithuanian Supreme Court, which states that even if a trade mark has been registered in the international register for 40... Continue reading

  • General Court to decide whether consumables are component parts of complex products (T-617/21)

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/01/general-court-to-decide-whether.html The EUIPO’s Board of Appeal recently addressed whether consumables shall be regarded as component parts of complex products (R2843/2019-3). The BoA decision has been appealed, so the General Court (and potentially, the Court of Justice) will provide guidance as to whether consumables fall under the scope of Art. 4(2)... Continue reading

  • Chanel is reminded: trademark territoriality still matters

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/01/chanel-is-reminded-trademark.html Even a mark that has been on the International Registry for 40 years does not assure registration of a subsequent national designation. Kat friend Marijus Dingilevskis reminds us of this in reporting on a recent decision by the Lithuanian Supreme Court. On 12 January 2022, the Lithuanian Supreme Court... Continue reading