• [Guest post] How much is that SEP in the window? 5 Themes from the IPKat/LSE Nokia v Daimler seminar

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/07/guest-post-how-much-is-that-sep-in.html   Remember April?  We had not yet experienced the torrential rains of May or the Dominic Cummings revenge tour.  We also still had a referral pending at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Nokia v Daimler.  The IPKat also hosted its joint-panel with LSE with... Continue reading

  • Double trouble: EBA finds legal justification for the prohibition of double patenting (G4/19)

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/07/double-trouble-eba-finds-legal.html The Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBA) has issued its decision in G4/19, the last referral pending from 2019. The referral related to the legal justification for the prohibition of double patenting. This prohibition prevents the grant of more than one European patent application having the same filing date and applicant, and... Continue reading

  • Never Too Late: if you missed the IPKat last week

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/07/never-too-late-if-you-missed-ipkat-last.html This Kat is laser-focused With a new month comes another opportunity to look back on last week on The IPKat.  Copyright The YouTube/Cyando ruling of the CJEU featured last week, with PermaKat Eleonora Rosati analysing the Court’s reasoning in relation to a number of questions asked by the referring... Continue reading

  • Around the IP Blogs

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/07/around-ip-blogs.html These feet were made for walking…   Join me for a walk around the blogs… Patents The German Bundestag has adopted amendments to the German Patent Act. The changes introduce (i) a codified proportionality defense to injunctions in patent infringement proceedings, (ii) new confidentiality rules for patent disputes, and... Continue reading

  • Sunday Surprises

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/07/sunday-surprises.html Conferences, webinars On July 8, the Union of European Practitioners in Intellectual Property (UNION-IP) is organising an online discussion with Lisa Jorgenson, Deputy Director General, Patents and Technology Sector (WIPO), who will talk about the latest news and developments from WIPO. Registration is available here. On July 9, the... Continue reading

  • Russia adopts law that shakes Cognac and Champagne importers

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/07/russia-adopts-law-that-shakes-cognac.html In an unexpected mix of geopolitics and IP, Russian president Vladimir Putin has signed amendments to the Federal Law ‘On State Regulation of Production and Turnover of Alcoholic Products’. The amendments significantly affect the interests of Champagne and Cognac producers importing their products to Russia. The new Law addresses... Continue reading

  • Book Review: (Re)structuring Copyright, A Comprehensive Path to International Copyright Reform

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2020/08/book-review-restructuring-copyright.html This TechieKat was thrilled to put her paws on (Re)structuring Copyright, A Comprehensive Path to International Copyright Reform, written by Daniel J. Gervais, Milton R. Underwood Chair in Law and Director of Vanderbilt Intellectual Property Program at Vanderbilt University. Food for thought! Professor Gervais advocates that “[t]he IP regime... Continue reading

  • When the movie is derived from a literary classic—are you an “All-In”, or a “Well, Maybe”, viewer?

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/07/when-movie-is-derived-from-literary.html People create books, or movies, to be read, or viewed, by others. For sure, a handful write for their own pleasure, keeping their literary output out of sight in a drawer. But they are a rare breed. For the rest, the reader is an essential element in the author’s... Continue reading

  • [Guest post] Danish court tackles balance between copyright and freedom of speech and religion

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/06/guest-post-danish-court-tackles-balance.html The interplay (and clash) between copyright protection and other fundamental rights and freedoms has become increasingly frequent and relevant over the past few years. The IPKat is pleased to host the following guest post by Jakob Plesner Mathiasen (IFPI Denmark and Ples&Lindholm) on a recent and very interesting Danish decision.... Continue reading

  • Around the IP Blogs

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/06/around-ip-blogs_27.html This Kat is having a lazy Sunday As the mercury rises in the northern hemisphere, let’s take a look at what’s hot off the press around the IP blogs. Copyright The Kluwer Copyright Blog hosted a discussion of remixing and remastering music according to US copyright law following the... Continue reading