• Sunday Surprises

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/02/sunday-surprises_21.html   Can’t miss anything… It’s Sunday which means it’s time for you to fill your diary with some events… Webinars Join Fashion Law London on 13 April 2021 for an event entirely dedicated to sustainability and its legal significance for the fashion sector! Tickets are available here.   ECTA... Continue reading

  • [Guest post] Here we draw again: the never-ending debate around street art and its removal

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/02/guest-post-here-we-draw-again-never.html The IPKat is pleased to host the following guest post by Federica Pezza (Hogan Lovells) on copyright protection of street art and the consequences of unauthorised destruction thereof. Here’s what Federica writes: Here we draw again: the never-ending debate around street art and its removal by Federica Pezza Spain,... Continue reading

  • From footnote to endnote to what note?

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/02/from-footnote-to-endnote-to-what-note.html Noël Coward once opined — Having to read footnotes resembles having to go downstairs to answer the door while in the midst of making love. Being an IP blog, this Kat will focus on the subject matter of the first part of Coward’s observation. The most salient question today... Continue reading

  • Five considerations for the transposition and application of Article 17 of the DSM Directive

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/02/five-considerations-for-transposition.html Merpel’s favourite platforms Nearly two years have passed since the adoption of the Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market 2019/790 (DSM Directive). As it was probably bound to happen, the discussion of its content – notably of its Article 17 – is no less heated now than... Continue reading

  • Board of Appeal considers the legal basis and effect of the EPO’s 2020 COVID-19-related deadline extension (J10/02)

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/02/board-of-appeal-considers-legal-basis.html Just over a year ago, the burgeoning COVID-19 pandemic prompted an unprecedented extension of all deadlines at the EPO (OJ EPO 2020, A29) (IPKat). Subsequent announcements in the official journal (OJ) eventually extended all deadlines to June 2020. A recently published Board of Appeal decision (J 10/20) is the first... Continue reading

  • Around the IP Blogs

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/02/around-ip-blogs_14.html Waiting for the spring Copyright The Cyberleagle Blog analysed the implications of Brexit for the UK’s intermediary liability system. After an early commitment to maintain the system, introduced through Arts. 12-15 of the Electronic Commerce Directive, the UK is now considering introducing additional obligations for intermediaries, which would no... Continue reading

  • Highlights from the new EPO guidelines for examination 2021: ViCo oral proceedings, description amendments and antibodies

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/02/highlights-from-new-epo-guidelines-for.html The draft EPO Guidelines for Examination for 2021 (coming into force on 1 March 2021) have been released and can be read here. A controversial update to the guidelines this year is the new section on amending the description. The new guidelines also include changes reflecting the new norm... Continue reading

  • Never Too Late: if you missed The IPKat last week

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/02/never-too-late-if-you-missed-ipkat-last_14.html   I am in love – in love with Sundays and catching up on some IP news… Feeling the love… PATENTS The High Court decision in Illumina v MGI is the first to take an in depth look at the thorny issue of sufficiency since last year’s Supreme Court... Continue reading

  • Saturday Sundries

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/02/saturday-sundries.html This Kat is having a relaxing weekend This week’s offering of online events should be enough to warm even the chilliest of Kat readers. Webinars and Events Assimilate IP is hosting a free webinar on IP Essentials for Start Ups and SMEs on 17 February, with more information available here. Its... Continue reading

  • [Guest post] Is it a sculpture or a monument? Copyright litigation reaches Russian Supreme Court

    http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2021/02/guest-post-is-it-sculpture-or-monument.html The IPKat is pleased to host this guest post by Konstantin Voropaev on a recent decision of the Russian Supreme Court concerning copyright infringement due to the reproduction of a group of sculptures in a photograph. Is it a sculpture or a monument? Copyright litigation reaches Russian Supreme Court... Continue reading